electric utility meter 日本

    Electricity plays such a major role in our daily lives. It fuels our homes, schools and stores, ensuring we have light to see and shows to watch on the television, as well the ability to charge our phones and tablets. But have you wondered how we know precisely how much electricity we consume? This is where the 電気メーター comes in! This special tool is called a meter, and it helps us explore and understand our electricity use, so today we're going to learn more about it and why it matters.

    At home or in businesses, the electric utility meter measures the amount of electricity being used to provide electricity at home. It typically appears as a small square or box with a clear glass cover on the front and a spinning wheel or dial inside. This meter is usually found outside of our house or place of business, mounted to the wall. In this case, the electric company is called Xintuo and they read the meter and ensure it is functional. They periodically stop in to check the meter so we can see how much electricity we’re using.

    Understanding Your Electric Utility Meter's Reading and Billing Cycle

    この 電力計 shows us how much electricity we consume by way of a spinning wheel or dial, called kilowatts per hour (kWh). A kilowatt hour is a unit of measure for electricity, it shows us how much energy we are using. This is also how the electric company bills us for the power we use. Every month, the Xintuo team reads the meter — to see how much electricity we used that month. They use that data to generate our electric bill, which shows how much we owe for the electricity we have consumed.

    Why choose Xintuo electric utility meter?


